General |
Log activities |
If enabled, all website activities are logged. |
Page |
Page visits |
If enabled, the page visit activity is logged. |
Landing page |
If enabled, the landing page activity is logged. A landing page is where the visitor comes first when viewing the website. |
Membership |
User registration |
If enabled, the user registration activity is logged. |
User login |
If enabled, the user login activity is logged. |
Joining a group |
If enabled, the joining a group activity is logged. |
Leaving a group |
If enabled, the leaving a group activity is logged. |
E-commerce |
Customer registration |
If enabled, the customer registration activity is logged. |
Adding a product to shopping cart |
If enabled, the activity of adding a product to the shopping cart is logged. |
Removing a product from shopping cart |
If enabled, activity of removing a product from the shopping cart is logged. |
Adding a product to wishlist |
If enabled, the activity of adding a product to wishlist is logged. |
Purchase |
If enabled, the purchase activity is logged. |
Newsletter |
Subscribe |
If enabled, the newsletter subscription activity is logged. |
Unsubscribe |
If enabled, the newsletter unsubscription activity is logged. |
E-mail opening |
If enabled, the newsletter e-mail opening activity is logged. |
Clickthrough tracking |
If enabled, the activity of user's clicking a particular hyperlink in an e-mail is logged. |
Search |
Search |
If enabled, the internal search activity is logged (the site visitor uses a standard search webpart). |
External search |
If enabled, the external search activity is logged (the site visitor uses an external search engine that leads them to the website). |
Subscriptions |
Blog post subscription |
If enabled, the blog post subscription activity is logged. |
Blog post comments |
If enabled, the activity of visitor's adding a new comment to a blog post is logged. |
Forum post subscription |
If enabled, the forum post subscription activity is logged. |
Forum posts |
If enabled, the activity of visitor's adding new forum posts is logged. |
Message board subscription |
If enabled, the message board subscription activity is logged. |
Message board posts |
If enabled, the activity of visitor's adding new message board posts is logged. |
User contributions |
Creation of a new document |
If enabled, the activity of creating a new document is logged. |
Update of existing document |
If enabled, the activity of updating an existing document is logged. |
Deletion of existing document |
If enabled, the activity of deleting an existing document is logged. |
Other |
On-line form submission |
If enabled, the activity of submitting a bizform is logged. |
Content rating |
If enabled, the content rating activity is logged. |
Poll voting |
If enabled, the activity of poll voting is logged. |
Abuse report |
If enabled, the abuse report activity is logged. |
Event booking |
If enabled, the activity of event booking, i.e. attendee's subscribing to an event, is logged. |
Custom activities |
If enabled, custom activities are logged. |
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