On-line Marketing |
Enable on-line marketing |
Indicates if on-line marketing should be enabled. This includes the following functionality:
Optimization |
Enable A/B testing |
Indicates if A/B testing should be allowed for pages (documents). When an A/B test is defined for a page, new visitors who access it will be randomly assigned to one of the defined page variants and their activity from that point will be logged accordingly. For detailed information, please see the Modules -> Website optimization -> A/B testing chapter in the Developer's Guide.
In order to work correctly, A/B testing additionally requires the Enable web analytics and Track conversions settings to be enabled in Site Manager -> Settings -> On-line marketing -> Web analytics. |
Enable multivariate testing |
Indicates if multivariate testing (MVT) should be enabled. This allows you to define MVT tests for pages and create different variants of their content. Once the test is running, visitors who access the page on the live site will be shown one of the possible content combinations and their activity on the website from that point will be logged accordingly. To learn more, please refer to the Modules -> Website optimization -> Multivariate testing chapter in the Developer's Guide.
In order to work correctly, multivariate testing additionally requires the Enable web analytics and Track conversions settings to be enabled in Site Manager -> Settings -> On-line marketing -> Web analytics. |
Content personalization |
Enable content personalization |
Indicates if content personalization should be enabled. This allows page designers (and content editors) to create different variants of web parts, entire web part zones or editor widgets that are displayed on the live site according to a dynamically resolved macro condition.
Additional information can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Content personalization. |
Contact management |
Notes stamp format |
Allows to define a customizable stamp which will be used in accounts or contact notes. |
Log IP addresses |
Indicates if logging of IP addresses should be allowed. |
Remember contacts permanently |
Indicates how long contacts should be remembered. If checked, a contact is kept until cookies are deleted or another contact is determined. If unchecked, a contact is kept until the current session expires. |
Automatically recognize visitors by user agent |
Indicates if visitor's browser user agent information should be used to determine what contact should be assigned to the current anonymous visitor. |
Automatically recognize visitors by IP address |
Indicates if visitor's IP address should be used to determine what contact should be assigned to the current anonymous visitor. |
Global data |
Allow global contacts |
Indicates if global contacts should be allowed on the website. |
Automatically create global contact for user on multiple sites |
If a user is present on multiple sites, a global contact will be created for all site contacts related to the given user. |
Allow global accounts |
Indicates if global accounts should be allowed on the website. |
Allow global contact groups |
Indicates if global contact groups should be allowed on the website. |
Allow global configuration |
Indicates if global configuration should be allowed on the website. |
Automatic merging of contacts |
Merge contacts for identical E-commerce customers |
Automatic contact merging will occur if multiple contacts exist for an e-commerce customer. |
Merge contacts for identical Newsletter subscribers |
Automatic contact merging will occur if multiple contacts exist for a newsletter subscriber. |
When a visitor has more contacts, use |
Indicates which contact should be used as parent contact if a site visitor has multiple contacts assigned.
Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?settings_onlinemarketing.htm