Import grid: All objects

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Here, you can adjust global import options and settings that are applied to all objects in the respective sub-categories.


Global selection

Load default selection

If clicked, object preselection will be done based on your choice in Step 1.

Select all objects

If clicked, all objects will be preselected.

Select only new objects

If clicked, only objects not existing in the database will be preselected.

Deselect all objects

If clicked, all objects will be deselected.

Import settings

Update site definition

Displayed only when importing to an existing site. If enabled, all settings stored as a part of the site object will be updated with those contained in the package. These settings are contained in the Site\cms_site.xml file inside the export package.

Assign all objects to the imported site (recommended)

If enabled, all imported site-related objects will be assigned to the imported site.

Run the site after import

If enabled, the imported site will be run after the import process finishes.

Delete incomplete site when import fails

If enabled, incompletely imported site will be deleted when the import process fails.

Do not import objects where parent object is missing

If enabled, child objects whose parent objects are not found will be skipped and the import process will continue.

Import tasks (recommend)

If enabled, delete tasks (incremental deployment) included in the package will be performed.

Import files (recommended)

Some objects in the database are linked with physical files in the file system. If you check this check-box, such files contained in the package will be imported too.

Import global folders

If checked, global files originally found under the folders listed below will be imported:

- <web project>\App_Code\Global

- <web project>\CMSGlobalFiles

Import assembly files

If enabled, bound assembly files will be imported together with notification gateways, payment options, integration connectors, scheduled tasks and smart search indexes if they are included in the package.

Import site folders

If checked, files originally found under the folders listed below will be imported:

- <web project>\App_Code\<site code name>

- <web project>\<site code name>

Log staging synchronization tasks

Indicates if staging tasks reflecting changes made by the import should be logged on the target server (typically when you want to synchronize the imported data to other staging servers).

Log integration tasks

Indicates if outgoing integration tasks should be logged for changes made by the import (typically when you want to transfer the imported data to a system connected via System integration bus).

Overwrite system queries

If checked, system queries will be overwritten by those contained in the package. See the info box below for more details.




Overwrite system queries


This option is displayed only when importing from version older than the current one; if checked, all queries from the package will be imported and will overwrite the current ones; if the package contains your own custom queries that you added to the system, it is necessary to have this option enabled.



Detailed information about the built-in export/import functionality in Kentico CMS can be found in Developer's Guide -> Managing sites -> Export and import.


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