Import grid: Documents

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Here. you can adjust settings related to import of documents included in the import package. Each of the following settings is only displayed if the respective object types are included in the import package:


Import new documents - if checked, documents will be imported (when importing into an existing site, only new documents will be imported).
Import document histories - if checked, document histories (i.e. previous versions of documents) will be imported.
Import document relationships - if checked, document relationships will be imported.
Import document-level permissions - if checked, document-level permissions (configured on the Properties -> Security tab in CMS Desk) will be imported together with the imported documents.
Import blog comments - if checked, blog comments will be imported together with all imported blogs.
Import event attendees - if checked, event attendees will be imported together with all imported events.
Import all user personalization - if checked, user personalization of all users will be imported, even for users who are not selected to be imported. If you are importing to an existing site, this option is de-selected by default.


Detailed information about the built-in export/import functionality in Kentico CMS can be found in Developer's Guide -> Managing sites -> Export and import.


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