Goals tab

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On this tab, you can configure options that will be used to measure whether the campaign is successful or not. The following types of campaign goals may be specified:


Number of visitors

Sets how many visitors should be brought to the website by the campaign. It can either be specified directly as an Absolute number, or as a percentage of the campaign's Impressions according to the value set on the General tab.

Number of conversions

Specifies the expected amount of conversions performed by users who visit the website as a result of the campaign. It can either be specified directly as an Absolute number, or as a percentage of the campaign's Impressions.

Total value of conversions

Sets a target number for the sum of all conversion values logged as a result of the campaign. It can either be specified directly as an Absolute number, or as a percentage of the campaign's Total cost according to the value set on the General tab.

Value per visitor

This indicator allows you to specify the average conversion value that should be generated by a single campaign visitor. It is calculated as the campaign's Total conversion value divided by its Number of visitors.


The value can either be specified directly as an Absolute number, or as a percentage of the campaign's Cost per visitor (the Total cost divided by the Number of Visitors).


Each indicator may have two values. The Red flag can be used to set a number that must be reached in order for the campaign to be at least partially successful (campaigns below this value are considered to have failed). The Goal value sets a target that should ideally be achieved by the campaign. If specified, these values are displayed as lines in the corresponding reports under the Goals category in the web analytics interface, which may be used to easily monitor the status of the campaign.


Click the Save Save button to confirm any changes.


More resources can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Campaigns
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Conversions


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?campaign_goals.htm