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The following properties may be modified when defining a campaign:


Campaign display name

The name of the campaign displayed in the administration interface.

Campaign name

Sets a code name that serves as a unique identifier for the campaign. It is also stored as the value of the Campaign browser cookie used to identify visitors who came to the website through the given campaign.

Campaign description

Can be used to enter a text description for the campaign in order to give information about its purpose, goals, etc.

Open from/to

Sets the time interval during which the campaign should be active.


The Calendar button (Calendar) can be used to select an exact date and time.


This property may be used to manually start or stop the campaign. Visitor statistics and actions will not be logged for disabled campaigns.


The following advanced settings are additionally available when editing a campaign:


Campaign impressions

This field can be used to specify how many people were targeted by the given marketing campaign. For example, if you sent marketing e‑mails containing a link to the website to ten thousand people, the amount of impressions would be 10000.


This number may be used when setting the campaign's goals.

Total cost

Allows you to manually enter the total cost of the given marketing campaign. This can be used to determine whether the campaign was successful or when calculating the campaign's goals.

Campaign condition

May be used to enter an additional macro condition that must be fulfilled in order for visitors to be included in the campaign.


For example: Cookies.Campaign != "banner1"


This condition checks the value of the Campaign cookie and prevents the edited campaign from being assigned to visitors who are already being tracked by a different campaign named banner1.


You can write any condition according to your specific requirements. For details about available macro options and syntax, please refer to the Development -> Macro expressions chapter of the Developer's Guide.


Through the edit icon (Edit), you can use the Macro condition editor, which provides a graphical interface that makes it easier to build complex conditions.


Click the Save Save button to confirm any changes.


For more information about tracking campaigns, please see the Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Campaigns chapter.


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