Here you can add documentation and descriptions using the WYSIWYG toolbar to help users properly understand the functionality of your custom web parts. This documentation will be displayed when clicking the information icon in the top right corner of the configuration dialog of the given web part.
The two links at the top may be used to display a preview of the web part's current documentation:
• | View documentation - shows the documentation across two tabs in the same format as in the help section of the web part. |
• | Generate documentation - generates the web part's documentation on a single page in printable form. |
If you wish to document particular properties, you need to fill in the Field description on the Properties tab.
For complete documentation of all web parts, please see the Web Parts reference guide.
To generate full web part documentation in a printable format, enter <website URL>/CMSPages/Dialogs/documentation.aspx?allwebparts=true into your browser. It is recommended to use FireFox for correct formatting and page breaking.
More resources can be found in:
Page url: