Settings tab

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On the Settings tab, you can edit the following properties of the user:


User nick name - nick name of the user used in website forums, on the user's profile, etc.
User picture - user's avatar image; this image will be used in forums and on user's profile; you can either upload an image or select a pre-defined avatar.
User signature - user's signature that will be used below the user's forum posts.
Description - optional text describing the user.
URL referrer - URL from which the user came to the site when they performed registration.
Campaign - if the given user arrived on the website through a campaign before registering, this field will store the name of that campaign. Please see the Modules -> Web analytics -> Campaigns chapter in the Developer's Guide for details.
Messaging notification e-mail - notifications about new messages received in the messaging module will be sent to this e-mail address


Time zone - user's time zone; if set, this time zone will be used where applicable instead of the site time zone
Badge - user's badge; depends on the number of gained activity points


User activity points - number of user's activity points; these points are gained for forum posts, message board posts, blog posts and blog post comments
Live ID - user's Live ID token; this is a hexadecimal number that the user is identified by when logging-in via Windows Live ID
Facebook user ID - user's Facebook user ID; it is used when the user is logging in via Facebook Connect
OpenID - user's OpenID; it is used when the user is logging in via OpenID
LinkedIn ID - user's LinkedIn ID; it is used when the user is logging in via LinkedIn authentication


Activation date - date of the user's account activation
Activated by user - user who activated this user's account
Registration info - user's IP and browser agent detected on registration


Gender - user's gender
Date of birth - user's date of birth


Skype account - user's Skype account
Instant messenger - user's instant messenger; format of values of the field is not strictly required, you may use any string of characters according to your specific needs (e.g. ICQ: 123456789)
Phone number - user's phone number; the number may be entered in any format, no validation is applied


Waiting for approval - if checked, the user is waiting for administrator's approval
Show splash screen - determines if splash screen should be displayed to the user when accessing Kentico CMS administration interface


Forum posts - number of user's forum posts
Forum comments - number of user's forum comments
Blog comments - number of user's blog comments
Message board posts - number of user's message board posts


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