Step 1
In the first step of the wizard, you need to choose the import package that you want to import. Packages that are already stored in the in <web project>\CMSSiteUtils\Import folder are listed in the Import packages listbox.
You can upload additional packages to the folder (and hence add them to the list) using the Upload package () link. You can also add the package to the folder manually and click the Refresh () link for it to get displayed in the list. Packages can be deleted (both from the list and from the file system) using the Delete package () button.
With a package selected, you can choose from the following options:
Preselect all items |
If selected, all items in the package will be preselected in the next step. |
Preselect only new items |
If selected, only items that are not already in the database will be preselected. |
Make the desired selection and proceed to the next step by clicking the Next button.
The following steps differ for site, set of objects and single object import. When importing a site-related single object, Step 2 will let you choose the target site form the existing sites. When importing a set of objects, Step 2 will be skipped and Step 3 will be displayed directly.
Step 2
Import a new site |
When chosen, a new site will be created based on the contents of the package. You have to enter the site's display name, code name and the domain that it will use. |
Import objects into an existing site |
When chosen, contents of the package will be imported into the site chosen by the check-box below. |
Step 3
In Step 3, you can select which of the objects from the exported package are to be imported and which are not. You can make this selection by choosing one of the categories displayed in the tree view on the left side of the screen. Only categories of objects found in the import package will be displayed.
By selecting a category, a set of check boxes appears in the right part of the screen, letting you select which objects are to be imported. Objects that already exist in the database are marked with an asterisk (*). If you leave such object's check-box checked, this existing object will be overwritten with the newly imported one.
Step 4
In Step 4, an import log will be displayed, showing the progress of importing. You can abort importing by clicking the Cancel button any time. When the import successfully finishes, click the Finish button to return to Site manager -> Sites.
Application restart At the end of the import process, you may get the following error message:
"Application has been restarted and the logging of the import process has been terminated. Please see context help in this section for more details and how to solve this issue."
If so, you will have to finish the import process manually:
- cms_webpart - cms_cssstylesheet - cms_documenttype - cms_formusercontrol - cms_inlinecontrol - cms_pagetemplate - Global Also extract the <package>\Data\Site folder.
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