Object versioning

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Enable object versioning

Globally enables or disables object versioning. This option is enabled by default. If disabled, no versions are created when objects are modified.

Delete objects to recycle bin

Determines which objects should be moved to recycle bin when deleted:


No - no objects are moved to recycle bin when deleted, i.e. they are deleted permanently.
Versioned objects only - only objects that support versioning and whose versioning is enabled  by the settings below are moved to recycle bin when deleted.
All objects - all objects that support staging synchronization are moved to recycle bin when deleted.

Version history

Version history length (major versions)

Indicates how many major versions of a single object will be stored in its version history. If the number of major versions exceeds this value, the oldest versions are deleted. If set to 0, major versions history length is not limited.

Version history length (minor versions)

Indicates how many minor versions of a single object will be stored in its version history. If the number of versions exceeds this value, the oldest version is deleted. If set to 0, minor versions history length is not limited.

Save to last version if younger than (minutes)

If an object is edited and saved within this number of minutes since it was last saved, changes made to it are saved to the last version. If it is saved after more minutes since it was last saved, a new version is created. If set to 0, a new version is created whenever you save an edited object.

Promote to major version if older than (hours)

If an object is edited and saved after this number of hours since it was last saved, a new major version is created. If it is saved earlier, a new minor version is created or the changes are saved to the latest version (depending on the setting above). If set to 0, major versions are never created automatically.

Use object versioning for

Alternative forms

Indicates if versioning of document type, on-line forms and custom table alternative forms is allowed.

CSS stylesheets

Indicates if versioning of CSS stylesheets is allowed.

Custom table definitions

Indicates if versioning of custom table definitions is allowed.

Document type definitions

Indicates if versioning of document type definitions is allowed.

E-mail templates

Indicates if versioning of e-mail templates is allowed.

Form definitions

Indicates if versioning of on-line form definitions (the Forms module) is allowed.

Media files

Indicates if versioning of media files (the Media module) is allowed. This options is disabled by default because versioning of large media files may consume an extensive amount of database space.

Media files versioned extensions

Extensions of versioned media files. Only media files with extensions enumerated here will be versioned.

Newsletter issues

Indicates if versioning of newsletter issues is allowed.

Newsletter templates

Indicates if versioning of newsletter templates is allowed.

Page layouts

Indicates if versioning of page layouts is allowed.

Page templates

Indicates if versioning of page templates is allowed.


Indicates if versioning of document type and custom table queries is allowed. Only custom queries are versioned — system queries are not versioned because they are re-generated by the system automatically when their parent object is modified.

Report graphs

Indicates if versioning of report graphs is allowed.

Report tables

Indicates if versioning of report tables is allowed.

Report values

Indicates if versioning of report values is allowed.

Report definitions

Indicates if versioning of report definitions is allowed.


Indicates if versioning of document type and custom table transformations is allowed.

Web part containers

Indicates if versioning of web part containers is allowed.

Web part layouts

Indicates if versioning of web part layouts is allowed.


More information about object versioning can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> Object versioning.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?settings_synchronizationversioning.htm