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On this tab, you can adjust general settings of the E-commerce module. The following settings can be adjusted:



Default country

Sets the default country, choose your country or country where you sell the most. All taxes are applied based on their values in the default country unless the customer specifies their country or state during the checkout process.

Apply taxes based on

Indicates whether the taxes are applied based on shipping or billing address. Taxes of orders without a shipping address will be calculated based on a billing address, regardless of this setting.


Allow anonymous customers

Indicates if customers need to register on your site so that they can make the purchase.

Use an extra company address

Indicates if the option of providing company address is available in the check out process.

Require company account information

Indicates if it is compulsory to provide company account information in the check out process.

Show Tax registration ID field

If checked, customer details will contain the tax registration ID field (e.g. VAT registration ID). The field will be displayed also in My account on the live site and during the check out process.

Show organization ID field

If checked, customer details will contain the organization ID field. The field will be displayed also in My account on the live site and during the check out process.


Weight formatting string

The format used to display product weight. Use {0} expression to insert the weight into the formatting string.

Minimal amount for free shipping

The minimum order value when the shipping is not charged.


Default product image URL

Default product image URL (virtual path). This image is used when product image is not specified.

My account URL

My account page URL (virtual path).

Wishlist URL

Wishlist page URL (virtual path).

Shopping cart URL

Shopping cart page URL (virtual path).

Redirect to shopping cart

If checked, the user is redirected to the shopping cart content page when the Add to shopping cart button is clicked. Otherwise, the user stays on the same page and the product is added to the shopping cart at the background.

User interface

"Product" tab enabled

Determines whether the Product tab should be displayed while editing document in CMSDesk -> Content. It allows content editor to mark editing document as product. Please see E-commerce Guide -> Configuration settings -> Enabling the e-commerce module for more details.


Send e-commerce e-mails from

An e-mail address from which the e-commerce notification e-mails are sent.

Send e-commerce e-mails to

An e-mail address (e.g. merchant's e-mail address) to which the e-commerce notification e-mails are sent.

Send order notification

Indicates if e-mail notifications are sent after an order is finished and saved.The e-mail template E-commerce order notification to customer is used when sending a notification to a customer. The e-mail template E-commerce order notification to administrator is used when sending a notification to the administrator.

Send payment notification

Indicates if e-mail notifications are sent after the payment is completed. This is done automatically by the system on condition that the user paid using a payment gateway or if the order changed its status to one with the Mark order as paid property enabled (available in E-commerce -> Configuration -> Order status -> Edit (Edit) order status). Besides, a store administrator can manually complete the payment by enabling the Order is paid property (available in CMS Desk -> E-commerce -> Orders -> Edit (Edit) order on the Billing tab). Please note that the e-mail template E-commerce - Order payment notification to customer is used when sending a notification to a customer whereas the e-mail template E-commerce - Order payment notification to administrator is used when sending a notification to an administrator.

Send e-products reminder (days)

The number of days before e-product expiration when a notification is to be sent to the user.

Use customer's culture for e-mails

Indicates if e-mails to customer will be sent in the shopping cart culture.

Conversion tracking

Registration conversion name

The name of the conversion that will be logged when a user successfully registers on the website through the checkout process.

Registration conversion value

Sets a number that will be recorded along with the registration conversion when it is logged. The values are cumulative, i.e. when a conversion hit is logged, the specified value is added to the total sum previously recorded for this conversion. You may insert a macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context.

Order conversion name

The name of the conversion that will be logged when a user completes an order.

Order conversion value

Sets a number that will be recorded along with the order conversion when it is logged. The values are cumulative, i.e. when a conversion hit is logged, the specified value is added to the total sum previously recorded for this conversion. You may insert a macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context.

Add to shopping cart conversion name

The name of the conversion that will be logged when a user adds a product to the shopping cart.

Add to shopping cart conversion value

Sets a number that will be recorded along with the specified conversion when a product is added to the shopping cart. The values are cumulative, i.e. when a conversion hit is logged, the specified value is added to the total sum previously recorded for this conversion. You may insert a macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context.


More information can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Configuration settings -> Site Manager settings.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?settings_ecommerce.htm