In this dialog, you are defining which documents of the website will be excluded from indexing.
Excluded content is removed from the allowed content. So for example if you allowed /% and excluded /Special-pages/% at the same time, it means that all pages on the site will be indexed, except for all pages found under the /Special-pages node.
The following options can be specified:
• | Path - path to the documents that should be excluded from the index. |
• | Document types - document types that should be excluded from the index. |
• | Path: /Partners |
• | Document types: empty |
In this case, only the /Partners page will be excluded from indexing, not the pages under it.
• | Path: empty |
• | Document types: CMS.News |
In this case, all documents of the CMS.News document type on the whole site will be excluded from indexing. Please note that in this case, empty path field is equal to /%.
• | Path: /Products/% |
• | Document types: CMS.CellPhone;CMS.Pda |
In this case, all documents of the CMS.CellPhone and CMS.Pda document types found under /Products will be excluded from indexing.
You can alternatively exclude individual documents from searches by selecting them from the content tree in CMS Desk, going to Content -> Edit -> Properties -> General and enabling their Exclude this document from search property.
More resources can be found at:
• | Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Smart search -> Managing indexes -> Defining document index content |
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