New/Edit search engine

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The following properties are available when creating a new search engine object or editing an existing one:


Search engine display name

Sets the name of the search engine used in the administration and web analytics interface.

Search engine name

Sets a unique identifier for the search engine.

Search engine domain rule

This string is used to identify whether website traffic originates from the given search engine. In order to work correctly, this string must always be present in the engine's URL, for example google. for the Google search engine.

Search engine keyword parameter

Specifies the name of the query string parameter that the given search engine uses to store the keywords entered when a search request is submitted. This is necessary so that the system can track which search keywords visitors used to find the website.


The value of this parameter is also checked to confirm that referring links were actually generated by search results, not as part of a banner or other type of static link placed onto a page containing the domain rule in its URL.


Additional information can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Overview
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Monitoring traffic from search engines


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