UI element - Roles

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On the Roles tab, you can directly configure which roles will be able to see the selected UI element. All roles belonging to the site selected in the Site drop-down list will be displayed in the matrix. The (global) option can be selected to configure global roles, i.e. those that are not limited to a single site.


UI personalization configuration is then performed the following way:


If you enable (allowed) a check-box, the UI element will be visible to members of the role.
If you disable (denied) a check-box, members of the role will not see the UI element (unless they are members of some other role which has it allowed).


To have the same UI access permissions like the parent assigned for the given UI element, please click the CopyPermissionFromParent Copy permissions from parent link. All existing UI element permissions will be deleted and new ones based on the parent settings will be assigned.


Each user's UI profile is defined by UI personalization settings for their roles. If a user wants to see a UI element in the UI, at least one role where the user is member needs to have the UI element set as visible.


To check if a particular element is visible to a user, you can select the user from the Report for user drop-down list. After doing so, a sum of all permissions granted to the user's roles is displayed in the first line, highlighted in green color. Roles where the selected user is a member will be highlighted in yellow color. If you enable the Show only this user's roles check-box, only the yellow roles will be displayed in the matrix.




Please note


Using the CopyPermissionFromParent Copy permissions from parent link affects all available sites, i.e. not only the currently selected one.

Because the root-level UI element cannot have any permissions assigned, the link is disabled for all first-level UI elements.



Detailed information about UI personalization within Kentico CMS can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> Membership, permissions and security -> UI personalization.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?resource_ui_roles.htm