New/Edit task

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The following properties can be entered when creating a new task or editing an existing one:



Name of the task that is displayed on the live site and in the user interface


Allows the selection of the user who will be set as the task owner; the owner is usually the user who checks that the task was completed correctly; by default, the user who created the task is entered


A percentage representing the amount of progress that has been made on the task


Is used to set an approximate amount of hours that the completion of the task should take


Specifies the date and time before which the task should be complete


Allows one of the predefined task statuses to be selected; statuses are used to indicate which life cycle step the task is currently in


Allows one of the predefined task priorities to be selected

Is private

If enabled, the task will only be displayed to its owner, the user to whom it is assigned and to users who have permissions to manage the project that the task belongs under (if applicable)

Assigned to

Allows the selection of the user who should complete this task; a notification e‑mail is automatically sent to the specified user when the task is created or modified


Text containing the goal of the task and any other relevant information


More resources can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Project management -> Overview.


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