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Project management is a module that provides a system that helps organize work and keep track of its progress. This is achieved by creating objects within the Kentico CMS system called projects, that represent a certain segment of work with a specific goal, time frame, set of conditions or various other properties. Individual assignments called tasks, which are usually (but not necessarily) categorized under a certain project, can be given to users within the system.


Projects can be created, monitored and managed on any page (document) in the site content tree that contains the appropriate project management web parts. The document where a project is created is important, as the project is linked to that page and can only be viewed or edited on that specific page. This functionality can be used to categorize projects by having several different pages with project management web parts, which can then be individually configured.


All projects and their tasks can be administered at CMS Desk -> Tools -> Project Management, regardless of the document where they were created. Here, administrators can also implement custom priority and status options to be used by projects and tasks. More detailed information about administering and using projects and tasks is given in the Managing projects and tasks topic.


Project management is also integrated into the groups module. Group projects function just as described above, but they belong to a certain group in addition to being linked to the specific group page where they were created. Group projects only operate within the scope of their group, which means that tasks can only be assigned to group members, project security settings can be configured for group roles instead of site roles etc. This can be used to create groups for handling certain types of projects. Projects associated with a group are not displayed in the CMS Desk -> Tools -> Project Management interface. They can instead be managed by group or global administrators under the Projects tab when editing a group.


Users can manage tasks that they own or those that are assigned to them on pages containing specific project management web parts or widgets. Tasks are displayed without regard to the project they belong under or the page or group where they were created, the only thing that matters is that they are relevant to the current user (and that any permission requirements are fulfilled). If the displaying web part/widget is configured to do so, even tasks from other sites can be viewed. These web parts and widgets also allow users to create new personal tasks that aren't categorized under any group or project.


To ensure that users are aware of task assignments or any changes in tasks related to them, project management uses a system of notification e-mails based on templates, that are automatically sent when required.


An overview of the web parts and widgets that allow users to interact with the project management module on the live site can be found in the Project management web parts and widgets topic.


Permissions for project/task management are determined by many factors. Please refer to the Security topic for more information.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?pm_overview.htm