When creating a new workflow or editing an existing one on its General tab, you are asked to specify the following details:
• | Display name: name of the workflow displayed in Kentico CMS user interface |
• | Code name: name of the workflow used in website code |
• | Automatically publish changes: enables versioning without workflow, i.e. a document version is created whenever a document is saved, while no workflow steps are used; see Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Workflow and versioning -> Versioning without workflow for more details |
• | Use check-in/check-out: indicates if documents using the workflow can be checked out when being edited, so that they can't be modified by other users; for more information, see Developer's Guide -> Content management-> Workflow and versioning -> Content locking |
Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?newgeneral_tab.htm