Conversions rate

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This report is used to indicate how many visitors of the page tested by the selected MVT test perform a conversion on the website. The conversion rate is calculated as the amount of logged conversion hits divided by the total number of visitors on the tested page.


The Conversions drop‑down list may be used to select which conversion's statistics should be displayed. If the (all) option is chosen, then the rate will be measured for all possible conversions, i.e. as the percentage of visitors who generated at least one conversion hit of any type.


The line chart shows the progress of the entire MVT test's conversion rate over time. In this chart, the conversion rate is measured from the amount of visitors and conversion hits logged for all of the tested content combinations.


You may also view the conversion rate in the table below. Each row in the table shows the rate measured for a specific combination.


The bar graph at the bottom of the page displays detailed statistics for individual units of time according to the selected report type (hours, days, months etc.). Here, the conversion rate is displayed for individual combinations. This allows you to compare the tested combinations and determine which one encouraged the highest share of its visitors to perform a conversion.


Please see the Web analytics Overview topic for details about the general actions available for reports.


Further information about multivariate testing can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Website optimization -> Multivariate testing.


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