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This feature can be used to define special types of user membership for the website (or globally for all sites in the system).


Within the security model of Kentico CMS, membership objects perform a function similar to roles. Users that belong to memberships are authorized to perform certain actions on the website, access secured content or similar. However, memberships do not directly allow individual permissions, but instead group together one or more existing roles. When a membership is assigned, it grants the given user the sum of all permissions defined for the contained roles.


Typically, a membership will be associated with a certain product, which can then be purchased by users through the website's e‑commerce features. This will allow them to gain access to restricted sections of the website or other types of premium content for a specified amount of time. For additional information about how you can offer various types of website membership as products, please see the Product types -> Membership topic in the E-commerce Guide.




Memberships versus roles


Memberships are mainly intended to be used in combination with e‑commerce for live site users and customers, or for other specific purposes where an additional security layer that groups together multiple roles is useful.


If you need to define authorization options for different types of users, such as content editors or administrators for specific modules, it is recommended to do so directly using standard roles.


Membership expiration reminders


To help users keep track of their memberships and ensure that they know when it is necessary to renew a paid membership, the module includes an automatic notification feature.


There is a global scheduled task named Membership reminder that periodically checks memberships (once per day by default) and sends a notification e‑mail to users whose membership will expire within the amount of days specified by the Site Manager -> Settings -> Security & Membership -> Send Membership reminder (days) field. You can configure this task and setting as needed.


These reminders are only sent for memberships that were assigned with the Send notification flag enabled and for those that were purchased as a product with a limited duration. The content of the reminder e‑mails is taken from the Membership - Expiration notification e‑mail template, which can be edited via the Administration -> E‑mail templates interface.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/contexthelp/index.html?membership_overview.htm