This dialog is used to edit resource strings contained in localized fields. Localization strings allow fields to display a translated version of their content according to the culture settings of the current user.
The Resource string key property allows you to rename the edited string. Changing the name of the resource string can cause issues if it is used in other fields in addition to the currently edited one. In this case, the remaining fields will attempt to load a string that no longer exists.
The main part of the dialog contains areas where translated text can be entered for specific cultures. All cultures specified on the Site Manager -> Development -> UI cultures -> All cultures tab are available in the list. If the Show only site cultures box is checked, only cultures that are assigned to the currently active site will be visible. The Show default culture option can be used to ensure that the default UI culture configured for your installation of Kentico CMS is always displayed.
Please keep in mind that modifying the resource string assigned to a particular field will also affect all other occurrences of the same string.
Resource file strings
Some fields (typically the descriptions of web part properties) may contain resource strings that are not stored in the database, but rather in resource files (.resx) in the CMSResources folder under your web project. In these cases, the dialog will display a "Resource string not found." error and cannot be used to modify the string.
If you wish to change the content of such fields, you can manually edit the resource files of the given cultures, search for the text of the string and modify it there. Alternatively, you can remove the string from the field using the Remove localization ( |
More information about localization strings and user interface cultures can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> UI cultures and localization.
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