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Here, you can edit the properties of the currently edited forum. Many of these settings have the option of inheriting from the forum group.


Forum display name

The name that will be displayed on the website.

Forum code name

The name used in your code.


Description of the forum displayed on the website.

Forum base URL

URL displayed when users access the forum; e.g. ~/MyForums.aspx

Forum unsubscription URL

URL of the page where users can unsubscribe from the given forum.

Forum is open

Indicates if the forum is visible and can be accessed.

Forum is locked

If checked, new posts can't be added to the forum, but the forum is still accessible for viewing.

Require e-mail address

Indicates if e-mail address should be required from the post author.

Display e-mail address

Indicates if the e-mail address of the post author should be visible for other visitors.

Enable WYSIWYG editor

Indicates if visitors can use the WYSIWYG editor for entering text.

Use security code (CAPTCHA)

Indicates if users need to retype the security code displayed as an image - this feature helps you avoid spam in the forums.

Forum type

User can choose - when creating a new thread, users can choose from the following two types.
Discussion forum - the forum's threads use a standard discussion format where users reply to previous posts.
Question-Answer forum - in forums of this type, the initial post of a thread is usually a question and the replies are attempts to answer it. The forum includes a voting feature that allows users to mark individual replies as helpful answers. Once a post receives the amount of votes specified in the Minimum votes to mark post as answer property, it will be designated as a valid answer and displayed accordingly.

Minimum votes to mark post as answer

Minimum number of votes that a post must receive to be marked as an answer in Question‑Answer type forum.

Maximum image side size

Maximum size of a side of an image in pixels. If a larger picture is included in a forum post, it will be resized so that its larger side is equal to the entered value.

Attachment max. file size (kB)

Maximum file size of forum post attachments in kB.

User can edit own posts

Indicates if users are allowed to edit their own posts when the post is already on the forum.

User can delete own posts

Indicates if users are allowed to delete their own posts when the post is are already on the forum.

Enable links in posts

Enables BB code for links.

Enable images in posts

Enables BB code for images.

Enable quotes in posts

Enables BB code for quotes.

Enable code snippets in posts

Enables BB code for code snippets - monospaced text.

Enable bold font in posts

Enables BB code for bold fonts.

Enable italics font in posts

Enables BB code for italic fonts.

Enable underline font in posts

Enables BB code for underlined fonts.

Enable strike font in posts

Enables BB code for strike-through text.

Enable font colors in posts

Enables BB code for colored text.


More resources can be found at Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Forums -> Overview.


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