General tab

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On the General tab, you can specify the following properties of the page template:


Template display name

The name of the template displayed to the users.

Template code name

The name of the template used in website code.


Here you can choose the category of the page template.

Template description

Description of the template shown in the page template selection catalog.


Teaser (preview) image of the template. It is displayed in the Select template dialog, e.g. when you are creating a new page. When a file is uploaded in the field, two icons are displayed next to it:


Edit (Edit) - if the file is an image, clicking the icon opens it in the built-in image editor. If the file is not an image (which would not make sense as no thumbnail could be displayed), the metadata editor is opened after clicking the icon.
Delete (Delete) - removes the file from the field.

Template type

Determines the type of pages that the template can be used for. The following options are available:


Portal page - functions as a standard portal engine page template.
ASPX page - uses the ASPX page template development model and is based on a standard ASPX web form. If selected, the path to the source file must be entered into the File name property.
ASPX + Portal page - works the same way as the ASPX page option, but also supports certain portal engine functionality, such as managing web parts or widgets in predefined zones on the Design tab of CMS Desk directly through the browser.
Dashboard page - provides a template for dashboard sections of the CMS interface. This type of page template cannot be used for standard content tree pages.

Master template

Only available if the Template type is set to Portal page. Indicates if the pages that use the template should be Master pages. Master page templates are usually used for the main menu and logo of a website.


Enabling this also causes the template to be selectable as the root master page template in the New site wizard.

Inherit content

Only available if the Template type is set to Portal page. Configures the visual inheritance as explained in the Visual inheritance topic.


You can choose from the following options:


Inherit all - inherits the content of all parent pages
Do not inherit any content - displays only the current page without any parent content
Inherit only master page - inherits from the first master page above the page in the content tree, i.e. if there are more master pages, it inherits only from the one which is the closest above it in the hierarchy
Select inherited levels - inherits only content from the chosen content tree levels

File name

Only available if the Template type is set to ASPX page or ASPX + Portal page. Specifies the path to the .aspx file that the page template should be based on. The file may either be chosen using the Select button, or its path can be entered manually. The tilde character (~) represents the root directory of the project folder, e.g. ~/CMSTemplates/CorporateSiteASPX/Blog.aspx


Page url: