Import subscribers tab

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This tab allows the import or modification of large amounts of subscribers. You need to prepare a list of subscribers in the following format:




Copy it to the List of subscribers to be processed text area. Each line should contain one record in the mentioned format. The following examples are all valid:;David;Scott;;Jones;Frank


By selecting one of the three radio buttons above the text area and adding some newsletters using the Add newsletters button below, the following actions can be done:


Subscribe imported users to the selected newsletters - the imported users will be subscribed to the selected newsletters.
Do not subscribe existing users to selected newsletters - if checked, users with already existing e-mail addresses will not be subscribed to the selected newsletters, only their names will be updated.
Unsubscribe the users from selected newsletters - the entered users will be unsubscribed from the newsletters selected below.
Delete the subscribers - the entered users will be deleted from the list of subscribers.


Click Import to take the subscribers from the list and perform the selected action. If one of the lines contains an invalid entry, the import is not processed for any of the records and an error is displayed. Importing more than 1000 subscribers at once is not recommended.


If you check the Send e-mail confirmation to the subscriber box before performing the import, a notification e-mail will be sent to the entered addresses, informing them about the changes in their subscriptions. If you check the Require double opt-in box, subscriptions to newsletters that have double opt-in enabled will be inactive (rejected) until the users confirms them.


More resources can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Overview
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Subscriber import and export


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