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These settings allow you to configure which types of tracking should be used when the currently edited document is viewed by a user. The following options are available:


Track campaign

Visitors who come to this document will be assigned to the selected web analytics campaign and tracked accordingly.


For example, a campaign can be specified for a special page to which users are linked from a certain type of marketing materials (banners, e‑mails etc.). This way, the system will monitor how many page views the website receives through the campaign and track the activity of the visitors who arrive as a result.


The Select button allows you to choose from a list of existing campaign objects available for the website. Edit and New may be used to directly manage campaigns.

Track conversion name

Can be used to select the conversion that will be logged when a user views this document. The Select button allows you to choose from a list of existing conversion objects available for the website. Edit and New may be used to directly manage conversions.

Conversion value

Sets a numerical value that will be recorded for the specified conversion when the document is viewed. This can be used to reflect the relative importance of the page or to indicate how valuable a single page view is. The values are cumulative, i.e. when a page view occurs, the specified value will be added to the total sum previously recorded for the given conversion.


You may insert a Macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context.

Log on‑line marketing activity

Indicates if the Page visit activity type should be logged for this document when it is viewed by a user.


If the Inherit field is checked, then the value of this setting will be loaded from the parent document.


Further related information about the web analytics module, marketing campaigns and conversions can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Overview
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Campaigns
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Web analytics -> Conversions


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